mismanage|mismanaged|mismanages|mismanaging in English



manage improperly, manage poorly

Use "mismanage|mismanaged|mismanages|mismanaging" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mismanage|mismanaged|mismanages|mismanaging" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mismanage|mismanaged|mismanages|mismanaging", or refer to the context using the word "mismanage|mismanaged|mismanages|mismanaging" in the English Dictionary.

1. South Africa mismanage it, they said.

2. The nation's finances had been badly mismanaged.

3. The company had been mismanaged for years.

4. The prison service has been badly mismanaged in recent years.

5. The exigencies of forming may make it necessary to mismanage a pasture.

6. The whole project was seriously mismanaged from the beginning.

7. If they mismanage a crisis, the damage can be considerable.

8. But as I said, that’s simply a function of Iran mismanaging its economy.

9. 75% of voters think the President has mismanaged the economy.

10. Many people accused the government of mismanaging the environment and indirectly causing the flooding.

11. It's not surprising the company's in debt - it's been completely mismanaged.

12. Especially after you mismanaged your early rule, pushing your nobles away.

13. It is not surprising the company's in debt ——it's been completely mismanaged.

14. But yet again, this was another area of their lives that was mismanaged.

15. Never tell them the reason you fell behind is because you mismanage your money.

16. For years, tribal leaders suspected the funds were being mismanaged by Uncle Sam.

17. 18 But yet again, this was another area of their lives that was mismanaged.

18. The restaurant was hopelessly mismanaged by a former rock musician with no business experience.

19. While many of the events sponsored were legitimate, a large sum of money was mismanaged.

20. The only other person to face charges has been an accountant accused of helping to mismanage Madoff's books.

21. People who do not see the difference between non-behavior-driven and behavior-driven initiatives will mismanage change.

22. There can be severe consequences for those who mismanage finances, fumble along without a business plan or don't understand clients.

23. Congress provides Bailout money for California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey and other states that mismanaged their …

24. That is happening simply because the prison service has been so badly mismanaged that the staff are disaffected.

25. She passionately believed that the company was being mismanaged and was prepared to go to the stake for her views.